Encountering the message “Sorry you are rate limited. Please wait a few moments then try again” on Twitter can be quite annoying. It’s not only puzzling but also frustrating because it’s an issue out of your control similar to when Twitter’s servers crash or your Wi-Fi stops working.
So what does it actually mean when Twitter displays “Rate Limited”?
Understanding Twitter’s “Rate Limited” Error
The ‘rate limited’ error pops up when Twitter believes you’re using its services excessively. It’s a preventive measure against misuse by spammers and third-party applications. Essentially it’s meant to manage the load on Twitter’s API and prevent the servers from being overwhelmed by too many requests.
Twitter imposes a cap on the number of times you can use its services within a specific period. This is why you might encounter a particular error if you try to tweet several times within a few minutes. The “rate limited” error specifically targets instances where the system identifies excessive usage through third-party applications accessing Twitter’s API. However this detection is based on the number of times an account accesses the API not necessarily the number of applications used.
It’s important to note that this error is only relevant to third-party apps; it does not occur on the Twitter website since it operates without an API meaning you shouldn’t see this error when using Twitter on a desktop.
What is an API Call?
API stands for Application Programming Interface which essentially serves as a go-between for two applications. Imagine it as a translator: an API retrieves information from one application, translates it and delivers it to another in a comprehensible format.
Twitter’s API facilitates communication between the Twitter server and various applications including mobile and third-party apps like TweetDeck which is widely utilized globally. An API call happens every time an app attempts to interact with Twitter whether by tweeting, replying, retweeting, liking or even refreshing your feed.
For individual users managing a social media presence using apps like TweetDeck can become tricky. TweetDeck automates numerous Twitter functions such as scheduled tweets, automated replies and more. This could quickly lead to exceeding Twitter’s limit of 100 API calls per hour if your settings demand frequent updates.
However some actions don’t count towards your API call limit including favoriting tweets responding to direct messages following or unfollowing users and changes to search or group settings.
Once you exceed your limit of 100 API calls per hour you’ll encounter the “rate limit exceeded” error causing all functions in your third-party app to halt. After the hour resets your limit refreshes and you can resume activity. TweetDeck helpfully displays your current rate limit status to help you manage your usage better.

Avoiding the “Rate Limit Exceeded” Error
To dodge this frustrating error consider these strategies:
- Use only one Twitter app at a time and ensure any other third-party Twitter apps are closed.
- Economize your API calls; remember refreshing costs three API calls each time.
- Aim to use about 60% of your Twitter API capacity which will lessen the frequency of updates and reduce API usage overall.
- If you hit the rate limit, note the reset time displayed on TweetDeck. While you won’t see updates during this pause you can still post messages—just don’t expect to see responses until the limit resets.
- Another tactic could be to reset your Twitter password via the website. It’s not a guaranteed fix but it has worked for some.
Remember the ‘rate-limit’ error could also occur if you are part of a large network logging in simultaneously as experienced by many at large events or conferences.
In a Nutshell
In conclusion the “Twitter Rate Limited” message is a safeguard against overuse and ensures the platform operates smoothly for everyone. By understanding what triggers this message and how to manage your app interactions you can minimize disruptions and continue enjoying Twitter without hitting these limits too frequently. Just keep an eye on your usage, make adjustments as needed and remember patience is key when navigating these limitations.